Why the Red Monkey Story?

The Quest

After writing 4 books about learning, working & innovation, I couldn’t find the energy to write another book. Too many books with great content don’t last longer then a few years. There has to be another way to share continuous evolving insights and experiences. As an author and keynote speaker, I needed to evolve myself from writing books and doing keynotes to something more. Something daring new. Something disruptive in the field of organizational development. Something that matches better with my ‘quest’, a continuous search for answers to following challenging questions: “How come organizations don’t learn and innovate fast enough? How come so many people are not engaged in what they (must) do? What are the reasons? What are the solutions? What are the consequences?”

Today I found the needed passion to start a new experiment. With ‘The Red Monkey Story’ we (not ‘I’) want to ‘write’ another ‘book’. It’s not even a book but a ‘library’.

By using ‘all’ of todays technologies we want to connect with ‘readers’ that want more than a book. ‘Readers’ that want to really learn and connect with me and others to create a ‘story’ that embraces all kind of media and formats. It will be an experiment where we will mix live & online Red Monkey Story Teaching and Engagement in an ever evolving Red Monkey Story Library.

In order to bring structure to ‘The Red Monkey Story’, it is comprised of five chapters. Each of these chapters discusses a different aspect of Red Monkey Innovation Management and gives new insights and tools to upgrade your organization to the learning and innovation needs of today and tomorrow.

There is an order to the story, but each chapter of the story must become a stand-alone episode. See as the ‘Lords of the Rings’. It’s good to know the previous episodes but every episode is a stand alone story.

We will make errors during our experiment. But without errors, progress is impossible. Because of this our target group are patient, creative and passionate people. Experts, students, teachers, managers, executives & more with an open mind willing to grow and learn with us. People that want to go beyond the keynotes and the books.

One thing I can guarantee … your mindset about organizational development will change forever!

The Mission

The mission of ‘The Red Monkey Story' is to awaken people into a new mindset for learning, working & innovation (The Engine of Innovation Mindset) that embeds agility & disruption into Organizational Cultures (Red Monkey Innovation Management).

Warning: Awakening is the most difficult step in learning! It’s having the courage to break your own paradigms and start real learning. It’s up to you whether you hit snooze or start learning something new. There are no shortcuts when it comes to real learning. Not all will agree with the story and the consequences ... and that’s normal.